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Senior Citizens

Churchtown Senior Citizens was started around 1955 with meetings held once a month in the basement of St. John School.  The meetings continued at the school until the Washington County Commissioners placed a Senior Levy on the ballot in 2001.  The levy was approved by the voters.  A grant was written and approved by the commissioners providing enough money to renovate the old Parish Rectory into a new Senior Center.  The grant paid for equipment, paving, and installing a covered entranceway with handicapped accessibility.  Many parish and community members volunteered time and labor for the project.  Also in 2002, a grant was approved from the Marietta Community Foundation which paid for the kitchen appliances and other equipment.  Bradley Payne was hired as the architect, Dan Huck was the contractor, and Fr. Fred Kihm was the pastor of St. John's at the time.  The building committee was the Senior Citizens officers at the time, Tony and Donna Tornes and Bob and Betty Pottmeyer.  Hundreds of hours of volunteer labor from the community members helped in many ways.  A Historical Room was organized and is currently overseen by Betty Pottmeyer.  The Historical Room holds a wonderful history of many community families and church history.  It is open to the public on the third Tuesday morning of each month.  To schedule other times, please call the Rectory.


Present officers are Doris Brooker, President; Mary Brooker, Vice President; Shelia Schilling, Secretary; Blaine Weinstock, Treasurer.  Any senior, 55 or older in the parish and community is welcome to attend the meetings which are held the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  Please bring a snack to share.

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